Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
Full Volumetric Inspection

Using ultrasonic shear-wave, Peak NDT Solutions can test objects and materials including metals, rubbers, plastics, composites, and ceramics for internal flaws.
UT is used to detect surface and internal discontinuities. UT Thickness can be used to determine exact measurements of the material being tested. It is one of the most versatile NDT methods used and has many advantages, including:
Only single-sided access is necessary when using the pulse-echo technique is used.
UT is highly accurate in estimating size and shape as well as defining reflector position.
UT is exceptionally responsive to surface and substance discontinuities.
UT is superior to other NDT methods for volumetric flaw detection.
With the use of UT, we can produce detailed images for automated systems.
Only minimal part preparation is required for UT.
UT provides instantaneous testing results.
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